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The Appreciative Way
Enabling Innovation at the Speed of Life          

The Appreciative Way

The Appreciative Way, is Rob and Kim Voyle's synthesis of:

  • The practice and philosophy of Appreciative Inquiry
  • The work of Milton Erickson and his students
  • Contemplative Spirituality

The Appreciative Way
Discover the essentials of the
Appreciative Way in this fast
read format book by Rob and
Kim Voyle.

>>  View Contents

Reunion Convener

Rob Voyle

The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle is a leader in the development and use of appreciative inquiry in church and coaching settings.

Rob's Approach to Training

  • Helpful: Training must provide practical, sustainable solutions for today's challenges.
  • Humorous: Creativity and humor go together as people enjoy new insights.
  • Healing: We create opportunities for people to experience transformational insights that lead to new ways of living, working, and being in the world.

>>  See more on Rob's
        Helpful, Humorous, Healing
        approach to training.

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Appreciative Inquiry Reunion

April 21-22, 2015, Best Western Inn, Boulder Colorado

  • Metaphors of Church with Andy Austin
  • Grow the Appreciative Way Community
  • Engage in Developing New Appreciative Resources
Reunion follows the Metaphors of Movement Training

Appreciative Way Reunion

Please Note 1: The reunion follows-on from the Metaphors of Movement (MoM) training lead by Andy Austin. The MoM training and the Reunion are separate programs and require separate registration. You may choose to attend either or both

Register for Metaphors of Movement with Andy Austin

Register for Appreciative Way Reunion

Please Note 2:

No accommodation is provided with either registration. We recommend you stay at the Best Western Plus Inn where the reunion is being held.

Reunion Program

Day 1: Metaphors of Church with Andy Austin

Tuesday April 21: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

In the Appreciative Way we say that language creates our reality.

What is the impact of the metaphors we use and the way we language our faith experience?

For example the term "Church Growth" is used a lot with minimal result, perhaps because the word "church" evokes images of buildings in most people's minds and buildings don't grow in any organic sense. So the term "Church Growth" will be perecived as an abstraction and as such will not inspire action or a change in behavior.

In this day-long session we will look at the impact of the way we describe our faith experience with respect to how we share that with others.

Day Two: Growing the Appreciative Community Resources

  • Connect with others in the Appreciative Way
  • Share best practices and learn what is working from others
  • Develop appreciative resources for the wider church

Appreciative Way Resources

Imagine an online library of Appreciative Inquiry based resources for:

  • Stewardship
  • Christian Formation
  • Baptism and Confirmation preparation
  • Marriage perparation
  • Strategic development
  • Personnel and ministry reviews
  • and whatever you are passionate about

Some of these resources already exist, at least in the minds of people who have attended some of the training programs. One of the goals of the reunion is to provide time for people to self-select into areas of interest to develop resources that can be piloted and made available to the wider church.

Who Should Attend This Program

  • Participants in any of the Appreciative Inquiry Based Training programs
  • Church leaders who know about Appreciative Inquiry from other venues and who would like to join with others who share their outlook

Conference Costs

The early registration cost for the reunion is $195.


No accommodation is provided with the registration. We recommend you stay at the Best Western Plus Inn where the reunion is being held.

 Register for the Appreciative Way Reunion 

For inquiries and additional information about the Reunion please contact Rob Voyle